Kayaks are our most popular vessel on the river as they are the most beginner friendly. Being smaller than canoes, kayaks are often considered to be more easily maneuverable through the water. Single kayaks, in particular, allow for a more individual float where a person can paddle at their own pace. We also offer tandem kayaks which allow for both the agility of a single kayak and the passenger space of 2 floaters. Kayaks, while best used in ample, moderate water levels, are also the only vessels recommended for lower levels. Their smaller size and weight allow them to drag through shallow sections more easily.
Premium Kayaks
Premium kayaks are everything you love about a regular kayak but upgraded. These kayaks are longer, more sturdy, and most importantly include an elevated seat with more back support! These kayaks are larger specifically to allow room for fishing gear. These are considered our primary fishing boats.
Canoes are larger and bulkier than kayaks. Because of this, they can be more difficult to maneuver through the water, especially for beginners. A canoe’s main draw would be their cargo space. While all our boats are equipped with enough space to store a bag or a cooler, canoes have much more room for things such as gear, pets, and potentially even a third passenger in the empty middle section between the two seats (preferably one under 100 lbs). This is why canoes are the most ideal vessel for overnight floats where you’ll have to haul along your camping equipment. Canoes are also better suited for moderate to high water levels as their weight and size make dragging across shallow sections in low water much more difficult.
Rafts are the best boats to hold a larger number of passengers all at one time, making them ideal for big groups. Our sizes include a 4-man raft, a 5-7 man raft, and an 8-10 man raft. These rafts are only suitable for water 6ft and above, making them unusable in lower levels. It’s for this reason rafts are most recommended during the spring when water on the Buffalo tends to be higher and swifter. Because of these conditions, rafting trips tend to have a quicker, more adventurous pace about them. Typically, the later in the year, the more unlikely a raft will be floatable, so try to aim for that window before summer when booking.
No matter what boat you float on the Buffalo River, it is always important to remember that the river is an uncontrollable force that can change unexpectedly at any time. This means that while there are trends in water level the river tends to follow, any boat you choose may be suited better or worse to your needs at any time. It’s always best to call our office number (870-439-2200) to check in on water levels and other questions you may have before booking your float and plan accordingly. We are always here to help! Book your floats through us almost any day of the year and see what all we have to offer you here at Buffalo River Outfitters.